Tuesday, December 9, 2008

getting coal this year...

i don't care how cute he is, stinkin' ol is only getting coal under the tree this year. beating his brother 2-0, oliver landed us in the ER again sunday night. we were at a friend's birthday party sunday afternoon, la-di-da, eating cookies, playing... when suddenly i notice oliver's lips looking a bit more angelina jolie than normal. i thought maybe he got bonked at first but little by little they started getting more and more puffy and it seems to me that he's having an allergic reaction. i check out the cookie he's been eating- NUTS! DAMN! i totally didn't notice and thought it was just chocolate chip. ack. we call the hospital to see if they think we should bring him in- he isn't breathing weird but he now has puffy lips and a rash on his face from where he touched it (with his hands that probably had nut oils on them). they say because he's so young, yadda yadda, i should bring him in. swing by to pick up mimi- he looks a lot like a puffer fish at this point- and head to condell ER. his lips already look a little better by the time we get there. they check us out almost immediately to make sure he's breathing fine (he is) so then they proceed to make us wait for an eternity. i tried to get them to let us leave after having about all we could take (it was a bit hellish at this point with jack running around like a wild banchee and oliver is obviously fine) but they insist the doctor really wants to see him. so... we hang out, they check him out, he is indeed fine. they say although it was a fairly mild reaction it could definitely be worse next time. hopefully there won't be a "next time" though as i will be paying MUCH closer attention!

please keep all nuts away from the vdm household! thanks for your cooperation. :)


SaraPlaysHouse.com said...

What is it with these second kids? LOL! They certainly keep us on our toes, don't they? Mike found TWO, count 'em, TWO gray hairs on my head. I blame Zoe.

Sonya said...

I'm glad he's ok. I bet he was a cute puffer fish =) Congrats for making it through another visit to the ER. Hopefully no more for a while!

Tara said...

OMG. I sure hope the nuts stay far away from your household. And hey, none of that talk about coal. Your kids are too cute to give coal too ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Poor Oli, that must have been quite a scare! I am glad to hear that everything turned out okay in the end :)