Wednesday, June 4, 2008

my latest brag...

i'm so excited to finally be able to share these! i made them a while ago but it was for my friend's daughter's birthday (and a bonus one for older sis because i knew she would be sad if she didn't get one since butterflies are her favorite) so i couldn't post about it! i've been DYING to show them off!! i think they turned out soooo cute. it's an adaptation of the "pillowcase dress"... i didn't use pillowcases though, i used fabric. depending on the height of the child it can either be worn as a dress or a shirt. these lovely ladies are on the taller side so it's kind of a longer shirt on them. CUUUUUUTE!


LisaEvansPhotography, LLC said...

I must say, Lindsay.... The girls LOVE LOVE LOVE these shirts you made for them! And when one of them has hers on the other one MUST wear hers, too! :) And they know that Miss Lindsay made them SPECIAL for them! :) Awe...

Oh, and I've gotten zillions of compliments and when I tell people you made them they are amazed I didn't by them at some high-end kids store! Girl...keep these up!!

Oh, and stock up on patterns cuz I'll be requesting new ones next spring! LOL!

BethD said...

Yes!!! Very jealous!!! Now my only question is where do you find the time to do all of your crafty things???? Is there a secret potion that you arent telling the rest of the Mom World??? : )

BethD said...

Yes!!! Very jealous that you are that organized! And even more astonished that you find time to do your photos, your bus., AND sew!!!???!!! Is there a secret potion that you arent telling the rest of the "Mom World"??? LOVE the shirts! And Michael Man's pants!!! Thanks! :)
